Source code for netdef.Controllers.BaseController

import logging
import queue
import time

from ..Shared.Internal import Statistics
from ..Sources.BaseSource import StatusCode

[docs]class BaseController: """ Abstract class for controllers. :param str name: Name to be used in logfiles :param shared: a reference to the shared object """ def __init__(self, name, shared): = name self.shared = shared self.add_logger(name) self.init_queue() self.init_sources(None) self.init_parsers(None) self.add_interrupt(None) self._statistics_counters = { "last_minute": 0, "last_minute_time": ((time.time() // 60) * 60), } def _statistics_update_last_minute(self, increment): """ Write internal statistics to the Statistics singleton if activated :param int increment: set to ``1`` every time a queue item is processed. Set to ``0`` to just refresh statistics. """ if Statistics.on: Statistics.set( + ".incoming.queue.size", self.incoming.qsize()) counters = self._statistics_counters if not counters["last_minute_time"] == ((time.time() // 60) * 60): Statistics.set( + ".incoming.last_minute.count", counters["last_minute"] ) Statistics.set( + ".incoming.last_minute.time", time.strftime( "%y.%m.%d %H:%M", time.localtime(counters["last_minute_time"]) ), ) counters["last_minute_time"] = (time.time() // 60) * 60 counters["last_minute"] = 1 if increment else 0 elif increment: counters["last_minute"] += 1
[docs] def add_logger(self, name): "Setup logging module" self.logger = logging.getLogger(name)
[docs] def init_queue(self): "Setup the message queue and timeout" self.incoming = self.shared.queues.get_messages_to_controller( self.messagetypes = self.shared.queues.MessageType self.appstatetypes = self.shared.queues.AppStateType self.queue_timeout = 0.1
[docs] def add_interrupt(self, interrupt): "Setup the interrupt signal" self._interrupt = interrupt
[docs] def has_interrupt(self): "Returns True if the interrupt signal is received" return self._interrupt.is_set()
[docs] def sleep(self, seconds): """" Sleep by waiting for the interrupt. Should be used instead of time.sleep. Override if sleep should be interrupted by even more signals """ self._interrupt.wait(seconds)
[docs] def init_sources(self, sources): """ Setup the source storage as a dict. Override if something else is needed. """ if sources: self._sources = sources else: self._sources = {}
[docs] def init_parsers(self, parsers): """ Setup the parser storage as a list. Override if something else is needed. """ if parsers: self._parsers = parsers else: self._parsers = []
[docs] def has_source(self, name): """ Return True if source name is found """ return name in self._sources
[docs] def add_source(self, name, init_value): """ Add a source to the storage dict. Override if something else is needed. """ if not self.has_source(name): self._sources[name] = init_value if Statistics.on: Statistics.set( + ".sources.count", len(self._sources))
[docs] def get_sources(self): "Return source storage" return self._sources
[docs] def get_source(self, name): "Return named source" return self._sources[name]
[docs] def get_parsers(self): "Return parser storage" return self._parsers
[docs] def add_parser(self, parser): "Add parser if not already exists" if not parser in self._parsers: self._parsers.append(parser)
[docs] def run(self): """ Override this function in controller. Example: .. code-block:: python def run(self):"Running") while not self.has_interrupt(): self.loop_incoming() # dispatch handle_* functions self.loop_outgoing() # dispatch poll_* functions"Stopped") """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def clear_incoming(self, until_empty=True, until_messagetype=None): """ Delete all messages from incoming queue. :param bool until_empty: If True the function will block until queue is empty. If False it will block forever. :param MessageType until_messagetype: Block until given messagetype is received Example: .. code-block:: python ... while not self.has_interrupt(): reconnect = False try: if reconnect: self.clear_incoming() self.try_reconnect() # main loop while not self.has_interrupt(): self.loop_incoming() self.loop_outgoing() except ConnectionError: reconnect = True ... """ while not self.has_interrupt(): try: messagetype, incoming = self.incoming.get(block=False) self.logger.debug("Discarding message of type %s", messagetype) self.incoming.task_done() if until_messagetype and until_messagetype == messagetype: self._statistics_update_last_minute(1) return except queue.Empty: if until_empty: self._statistics_update_last_minute(0) return else: self.sleep(self.queue_timeout)
[docs] def fetch_one_incoming(self): """ Returns one message from the queue. :returns: tuple of (messagetype, incoming) :rtype: tuple(MessageType, BaseSource) """ try: if not self.has_interrupt(): messagetype, incoming = self.incoming.get( block=True, timeout=self.queue_timeout ) self._statistics_update_last_minute(1) return messagetype, incoming except queue.Empty: self._statistics_update_last_minute(0) return None, None
[docs] def loop_until_app_state_running(self): """ Usefull if you want your controller to block while ADD_SOURCE and ADD_PARSER is dispatched Example: .. code-block:: python def run(self): self.loop_until_app_state_running() while not self.has_interrupt(): try: self.handle_connection() while not self.has_interrupt(): self.loop_incoming() self.loop_outgoing() except ConnectionError: self.handle_conn_error() """ self.loop_incoming( until_empty=False, until_app_state=self.appstatetypes.RUNNING )
[docs] def loop_incoming( self, until_empty=True, until_timeout=0.0, until_messagetype=None, until_app_state=None, ): """ Get every message from the queue and dispatch the associated handler function. :param bool until_empty: Blocking until queue is empty :param float until_timeout: Timeout in seconds. ``0.0`` blocks forever. :param MessageType until_messagetype: Blocking until given messagetype is dispatched :param AppStateType until_app_state: Blocking until given app_state is dispatched """ loop_timeout = time.time() + until_timeout while not self.has_interrupt(): if until_timeout > 0.0: if loop_timeout < time.time(): return try: messagetype, incoming = self.incoming.get( block=True, timeout=self.queue_timeout ) self._statistics_update_last_minute(1) if messagetype == self.messagetypes.READ_ALL: self.handle_readall(incoming) elif messagetype == self.messagetypes.ADD_SOURCE: self.handle_add_source(incoming) elif messagetype == self.messagetypes.READ_SOURCE: self.handle_read_source(incoming) elif messagetype == self.messagetypes.WRITE_SOURCE: self.handle_write_source(incoming[0], incoming[1], incoming[2]) elif messagetype == self.messagetypes.ADD_PARSER: self.handle_add_parser(incoming) elif messagetype == self.messagetypes.TICK: self.handle_tick(incoming) elif messagetype == self.messagetypes.APP_STATE: self.handle_app_state(incoming) if until_app_state and incoming == until_app_state: self.incoming.task_done() return else: raise NotImplementedError self.incoming.task_done() if until_messagetype and until_messagetype == messagetype: return except queue.Empty: self._statistics_update_last_minute(0) if until_empty: return
[docs] def handle_tick(self, incoming): """ Answer the tick message """ incoming.tick()
[docs] def handle_app_state(self, app_state): """ Override if controller need to react to application states """ if app_state == self.appstatetypes.RUNNING: self.handle_app_state_running() elif app_state == self.appstatetypes.SETUP: self.handle_app_state_setup()
[docs] def handle_app_state_running(self): """ Override if controller need to react to running state """ self.logger.debug("Entering running state")
[docs] def handle_app_state_setup(self): """ Override if controller need to react to setup state """ self.logger.debug("Entering setup state")
[docs] def handle_add_parser(self, incoming): "Add parser to controller if not already exists" self.add_parser(incoming)
[docs] def handle_readall(self, incoming): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def handle_add_source(self, incoming): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def handle_read_source(self, incoming): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def handle_write_source(self, incoming, value, source_time): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def loop_outgoing(self): """ Check every source and call the poll_outgoing_item function """ for item in self.get_sources().values(): self.poll_outgoing_item(item)
[docs] def poll_outgoing_item(self, item): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def send_outgoing(self, outgoing): "Send RUN_EXPRESSION message on valuechange" self.shared.queues.run_expressions_in_rule(outgoing)
# self.shared.queues.send_message_to_rule( # self.shared.queues.MessageType.RUN_EXPRESSION, outgoing.rule, outgoing # )
[docs] def statistics_update(self): self._statistics_update_last_minute(0)
[docs] @classmethod def update_source_instance_status(cls, source_instance, status_ok, oldnew_check): """ Updates state on given source_instance Returns True if source_instance have triggered a value change """ value = source_instance.get stime = source_instance.source_time return cls.update_source_instance_value( source_instance, value, stime, status_ok, oldnew_check )
[docs] @staticmethod def update_source_instance_value( source_instance, value, stime, status_ok, oldnew_check ): """ Updates value, timestamp and state on given source_instance Returns True if source_instance have triggered a value change """ prev_val = source_instance.get prev_st = source_instance.status_code if status_ok: if oldnew_check: if prev_val == value and prev_st in ( StatusCode.GOOD, StatusCode.INITIAL, ): return False source_instance.get = value source_instance.source_time = stime if prev_st == StatusCode.NONE: source_instance.status_code = StatusCode.INITIAL else: source_instance.status_code = StatusCode.GOOD return True else: if oldnew_check: if prev_val == value and prev_st == StatusCode.INVALID: return False source_instance.get = value source_instance.source_time = stime if prev_st != StatusCode.NONE: source_instance.status_code = StatusCode.INVALID return True