Source code for netdef.Engines.ThreadedWebGuiEngine

import logging
import pathlib

import flask_admin
import flask_login
from flask import Flask, redirect
from werkzeug.serving import run_simple

from . import ThreadedEngine, utils
from .webadmin import AdminIndex, Views

# from import generate_password_hash, check_password_hash

log = logging.getLogger("ThreadedWebGuiEngine")"Enter Threaded Web Gui Engine")

[docs]class ThreadedWebGuiEngine(ThreadedEngine.ThreadedEngine): """ Integrates a simple werkzeug webserver to serve flask_admin webpages """ def __init__(self, shared): super().__init__(shared) self.webadmin_views = Views.Views(shared) = None
[docs] def load(self, base_package): super().load(base_package) self.webadmin_views.load(base_package)
[docs] def init(self): super().init() app = self.get_flask_app() init_app(app, self.webadmin_views, self.shared)
[docs] def block(self): "Run webserver and wait for KeyboardInterrupt""run web interface") section = "webadmin" config = self.shared.config.config host = config(section, "host", "") port = config(section, "port", 8000)"%s %s", host, port) ssl_certificate = config(section, "ssl_certificate", "") ssl_certificate_key = config(section, "ssl_certificate_key", "") ssl_on = config(section, "ssl_on", 0) ssl_context = None if ssl_on: if ssl_certificate and ssl_certificate_key: ssl_context = (ssl_certificate, ssl_certificate_key) # run webserver. blocks until ctrl-c is received try: run_simple( host, port,, use_reloader=False, use_debugger=False, threaded=True, ssl_context=ssl_context, ) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass
[docs] def get_flask_app(self): """ Returns the main flask app. Common use case is to integrate an existing flask app. Example:: def init_app(app): @app.route('/') def hello_world(): return 'Hello, World!' return app def main(): ... engine = ThreadedWebGuiEngine.ThreadedWebGuiEngine(shared) # here we go init_app(engine.get_flask_app()) engine.add_controller_classes(controllers) engine.add_source_classes(sources) engine.add_rule_classes(rules) engine.load([__package__, 'netdef']) engine.init() engine.start() engine.block() # until ctrl-c or SIG_TERM engine.stop() ... """ if not = Flask( __name__, template_folder="templates", static_folder="static" ) return
[docs]def init_app(app, webadmin_views, shared): """Configure flask. Setup flask_admin and flask_login """ config = shared.config section = "webadmin" template_path = shared.config.config("install", "path", "") + "/Engines/templates" admin_users = make_admin_users_dict(config, section) config.set_hidden_value(section, "secret_key") secret_key = "\x94\x03\x9c\x15\x00\xbf\x8c\xdd\xfef\xf8D]\xcc\xbf\xd4\xb6\xf3\x9a\xfe\x80\xa2\x90n" secret_key = config(section, "secret_key", secret_key, add_if_not_exists=False) # if we have overridden this module and there is another template directory # then it is captured in the template_path variable and added to its jinja # search file path try: if ( not pathlib.Path(__file__) .parent.joinpath("templates") .samefile(template_path) ): template_search_path = app.jinja_loader.searchpath template_search_path.insert(0, template_path) except FileNotFoundError: pass # global settings and instances are added to app.config # other modules can retrieve these with "import current_app" app.config["ADMIN_USERS"] = admin_users app.config["SECRET_KEY"] = secret_key app.config["SHARED"] = shared # app.config['RSTPAGES_SRC'] = pathlib.Path('docs').absolute() login_manager = flask_login.LoginManager() login_manager.init_app(app) def _usertable_is_empty(): return dict(usertable_is_empty=False if admin_users else True) app.context_processor(_usertable_is_empty) @login_manager.user_loader def user_loader(login): if login not in (admin_users.keys()): return user = AdminIndex.User(login, admin_users[login]["roles"]) return user @app.route("/") def index(): return redirect("/admin/", code=302) webadmin_on = config(section, "on", 1) if webadmin_on: # Create admin interface admin = flask_admin.Admin( name="Webadmin", index_view=AdminIndex.MyAdminIndexView(), template_mode="bootstrap3", ) admin.init_app(app) webadmin_views.setup(admin) return app
[docs]def make_admin_users_dict(config, section): # fetch legacy user/pass from konfig admin_user = config.config(section, "user", "", add_if_not_exists=False) admin_password = config.config(section, "password", "", add_if_not_exists=False) admin_password_hash = config.config( section, "password_hash", "", add_if_not_exists=False ) # new rolebased user/pass admin_users = {} if admin_user: config.set_hidden_value(section, "user") config.set_hidden_value(section, "password") config.set_hidden_value(section, "password_hash") admin_users[admin_user] = { "password": admin_password, "password_hash": admin_password_hash, "roles": {"admin"}, } return utils.update_usertable(admin_users, config, section)