Source code for netdef.Sources.MQTTDataMessageSource

import datetime
import json
import logging

from netdef.Interfaces.datamessage import DataDefinition, DataMessage
from netdef.Interfaces.DefaultInterface import DefaultInterface
from netdef.Sources import BaseSource, Sources

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

log.debug("Loading module")

[docs]@Sources.register("MQTTDataMessageSource") class MQTTDataMessageSource(BaseSource.BaseSource): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) log.debug("init %s", self.key) self.interface = DefaultInterface
[docs] @staticmethod def make_message(topic, datamessage): """ Wraps given datamessage into a json-payload :param str topic: mqtt topic :param DataMessage datamessage: a datamessage object :return: tuple of topic and json payload :rtype: tuple """ payload = datamessage.to_json() return topic, payload
[docs] @staticmethod def parse_message(topic, payload): """ Parse given json-payload into a datamessage object :param str topic: mqtt topic :param str payload: json payload :return: a :class:`DataMessage` object :rtype: DataMessage """ if isinstance(payload, bytes): payload = str(payload, "utf8") datamessage = DataMessage.from_json(payload) return topic, datamessage
[docs] def pack_value(self, value, stime, status_code, origin): "pack the value and stime into a mqtt payload" payload = DataMessage( key=self.key, value=value, source_time=stime.timestamp(), status_code=status_code, origin=origin, extension={}, ) return payload
[docs] @staticmethod def can_unpack_value(value): "Check if it is possible to extract a value from the payload" if isinstance(value, DataMessage): return True return False
[docs] @staticmethod def unpack_value(value): """ Return a tuple with key, time and value from the mqtt payload :param DataMessage value: datamessage from mqtt payload :returns: tuple(key, source_time, value, origin) :rtype: tuple """ source_time = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(value.source_time) return value.key, source_time, value.value, value.status_code, value.origin